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When Vd. Satyajith Kadkol is not in the forests of Karnataka exploring the energy of trees and spending time with his guru or conducting health camps with his wife Gayatri, he is working as a social entrepreneur of Ayurveda. Vd. Satyajith has been practicing Ayurveda since he founded Sparsh Ayurveda during his first year of BAMS training, to ensure he received clinical training throughout his studies. By age 30, he had created his own group of companies specializing in IT and Ayurveda, building apps purchased by the Ministry of AYUSH and creating projects to connect elders and ancient wisdom with the modern world. Vd. Satyajith loves teaching conversational Sanskrt and has completed an MD-Ayu in Panchakarma. He practices Ayurveda in a center tailored to international patients seeking to learn while healing, cushioned in a forest of trees near the sea in Udupi.

Enjoy this excerpt of one of our new Master Teachers, Vd. Satyajith Kadkol of Udupi, teaching about preenaNam, the prime function of rasa-dhatu.  AH.Su.11.4.

Vd. Pallavi Gupta received a BAMS in 2009, and then an MD in Siddhantha, basic principles of Ayurveda. She has been working for the past five years as an assistant professor in the sacred town of Tirupati, at the Department of Samhita & Siddhanta of SV Ayurveda Medical College. She is also completing a masters degree in Sanskrit. 

Proficient in Ayurvedic management of skin diseases, gynaecologic issues, and competent in administering panchakarma therapies, Vd. Pallavi is both a clinician and a scholar. She enjoys translating ancient Indian medical manuscripts as part of Indian medical heritage preservation projects. Vd. Pallavi has published 18 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals on a variety of scholarly and clinical topics.

In this excerpt, Vd. Pallavi Gupta teaches about the benefits of abhyanga.  AH.Su.2.8.
Born into a traditional Ayurvedic lineage going back four generations and including one of Kerala’s most respected elephant doctors (hasta-vaidya), Professor-Vaidya Pallatheri Nambi Namboodiri grew up with a pet elephant. Spending time in the jungles of Kerala and Meghalaya during his childhood, Vd. Nambi then pursued formal Ayurvedic education to complete a BAMS from Chennai. Immediately after, he became a member of the Nagarjuna Ayurveda Group, specializing in making quality herbal formulations of Ayurveda; he then pursued an MD in Dravya Guna (Ayurvedic Pharmacology) from Hyderabad. 

Prof. Vd. Nambi is now director of the Nagarjuna Ayurveda Centre, the hospital wing in Kochi under the Nagarjuna Ayurveda Group. While maintaining Ayushoveda, his private clinic in Chennai with wife Vd. Madhavi Namboodiri, Vd. Nambi also serves as Head of the Department of Agada Tantra (Poisons and Forensics) at Sairam Ayurveda Medical College where he is full Professor. He also travels extensively around the globe, conducting classes and propagating Ayurveda, including his work as a member of the DIN faculty since 2010. 

Listen here as Vd. Nambi teaches AH.Su.1.7a on the regions of the body that are dominated by vata, pitta, and kapha.
Experience DIN Master Classes now!

Born into a Hindu Nambūdiri family of Kerala where ancient sciences have been practiced and preserved for millenia, Vd. Hari Neelakandhan Pallatheri inherited generations of wisdom as he grew up among great sages. From ages 10 to 29, he received traditional Gurukula education using original Sanskrt texts with Sanskrit commentaries to learn tarka śastra/Indian logic, philosophies of sanatana dharma, vedanta, religion, and ancient sciences, jyothi śastra/ancient astronomic astrology, yoga shastra with authentic practice, the martial art of kalaripayattu,. He is also a master of Sanskrit grammar and literature/sahitya. 

In 1984, Vd. Hari entered the iconic 7½ year educational experiment of AVP, a nature-retreat residential BAMS course of Ayurveda College Coimbatore, affiliated with Bharathiar University. Since 1992, he has practiced Ayurveda as a consummate holistic physician, treating over 65,000 patients at AVP or at his own Sudarshanam Center for Ayurveda and Yoga in Coimbatore. He travels throughout the world to teach people how to integrate ancient wisdom into their own lives and makes these branches of ancient Indian wisdom accessible to the larger world.

In this excerpt of AH. Su.1.6, see Vd. Hari with his beloved guduchi vine on his rooftop lounge, as he discusses balanced functional doshas vs. their imbalanced states.  

DATE:  (12) Wednesdays.  24Feb2021-12 May 2021  

TIME: starts 8:30am --> ends ~10am EST (New York)   (= 7:00-8:30p IST(India), 5:30a-7a PST)
Find your local correct time:
Rasa Shastra is the study of systematic extraction and processing of metals and minerals from ore to produce medicines that restore resilience and fortitude to the body. Use of metals to fortify the body or cure disease originates from Vedic times but was developed greatly and incorporated into ayurvedic mainstream practice by the 8th century CE and has been in continous use for over 1400 years.
designed by The DINacharya Institute © 2007-2023. All rights reserved. 
A year-long study of Rasa Shastra online with world-class experts....!

DIN 325: Rasa Shastra Master Classes 

DATE: once-monthly classes on Monday or Thursday in 2019*

TIME: starts UTC 1:00pm --> end ~3:00pm (= 8a-10am EST, 6:30p-8:30p IST)
  Find your time zone:  https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/

LOCATION: The DINacharya classroom via zoom software* 
Access via computer or smartphone with a strong internet connection.
 Classes are hosted by The DINacharya Institute, New York, NY, USA
*The link will be sent to you after acceptance to the class.

FEE: USD$18/class (12 classes in 2019)
*India-based students may pay Rs.350 per class 

Enrolled students receive access to video and audio recordings of each session as well as handouts and resources to enhance learning.
Readings and resources will guide study, with review classes as needed.

​STUDENTS: Students will be vetted using a brief application to ensure understanding of basic terms of Ayurveda, ability to converse in English, affinity for learning chemistry, geology, Sanskrt and the basic disciplines required to digest the material, as well as competence in learning amid a group of international students. The application for the course can be found here very soon!

FACULTY: ​Led by Prof. Vd. Chandra Bhushan Jha and moderated by Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya, this class will be taught by 5-7 extraordinary faculty who will be trained and vetted for international teaching ability to culturally-diverse students.. 

These Master Teachers will introduce westerners to the science of bhasmas, beginning with the basics and moving into intermediate levels of understanding metals and herbominerals, ... and how theyare made into medicine. Teachers are being trained on Zoom use, interviewed for ability to convey Rasa Shastra to an international audience, content expertise, communication skills in English. 


*SEND INQUIRIES to dinacharyanyc@gmail.com
Few vaidyas today have not heard of the legendary researcher-clinician-author and vaidya Prof. Chandra Bhushan Jha. His text ​Ayurvediya RasaShastra is the classic Hindi text for all BAMS students in India. With over 46 years of continuous teaching, research and practice, he is a gifted teacher of authentic and unparalleled experience and integrity, having directly taught or examined over 60,000 students.

Unlike his contemporaries, Professor Jha reaches back to ancient modes of Being. Humble, kind and discerning, he toils to guide true students who are authentic in their quest to learn Ayurveda. He connects back to the ancient wisdom and constantly seeks to bridge it with the modern world, working with modern engineers, molecular biologists, metallurgists and chemists, while also seeking communion with Sanskrit professors and archaeologists. He is versatile as a clinician but always an experimentalist and innovator. He is uniquely able to identify bhasmas and the processes by which they should be made. 

Prof Jha received his GAMS basic degree in Ayurveda in Bihar in 1970, his MSAM in 1974 from Gujrat Ayurveda University, and a PhD in Rasa Shastra from BHU in 1990. He has written hundreds of papers, guided dozens of MD and PhD scholars, and served as Dean of the Faculty of Ayurveda from 2011-2014. He is well-versed in classical Indian music, and is a regular practitioner of yoga. His love is making bhasmas on his rooftop, where he has an old-fashioned puta installed.  He is beloved by most faculty in India, as so many have been his students.

Please revisit for an excerpt of Prof Vd. CB Jha teaching us a concept of rasa-shastra.

Source: www.ayushoveda.com
To access past classes of the DIN Master Class series, please write to us or register here. 

DIN MC Quarter 1    Aug-Nov 2018 
Aṣṭāṅga-Hṛdayam, chapter 2 on dinacharya
Using the classic ancient text, we walked (charya) through a healthy daily (din) routine of rituals to strengthen our minds, bodies, clean the senses, and align our clock genes. 

​DIN MC Quarter 2    Jan-Apr 2019
AH SÅ«, chapter 3 on rtucarya
We explored the crucial role of cycles (rtu) and the foundations of health through the seasons using a variety of disciplines, including the Ayurvedic śastras, the vedas, astronomy, physics, chemistry, nutrition, physiology, ecology, and a sprinkle of meteorology. 

To sample a weekly orientation email from DIN Master Classes - Quarter 2, click here.

​DIN MC Quarter 3    Jun-Aug 2019
AH SÅ«, chapter 4 on the vegas and why vata moves
We delved into the origins of vata in our body, what it does, and why it can cause problems in our physiology when it does not flow smoothly.

DIN MC Quarter 4 Sep-Nov 2019
​Aṣṭāṅga-Hṛdayam Sū chapter 11, 12 on the descriptions of the doshas
We delved into the fundamental ślokas of VPK and reviewed the doshas, their gunas, their seats, where their five aspects, symptoms when they are in imbalance, and some of the clinical scenarios when one dosha is out of balance.

DIN MC Quarter 5 Dec 2019-March 2020
​​AH Sū chapter 13 and other granthas of Ayurveda
We discussed how to treat imbalances in the doshas.

DIN MC Quarter 6 Mar-June 2020
​​Aṣṭāṅga-Hṛdayam Sū chapter 5 and other granthas of Ayurveda
​​What are the flowing foods in our diet? We explore how liquid foods shift doshas, beginning with water, and moving through milks, ghee, sugars, honey, oils, alcohols, vinegars, and urines.

See the detailed schedule for Q4-Q6 here.
​DIN MC Quarter 7  Jun-Aug 2020
AH SÅ« chapter 6 anna-svarupa on the medicinal uses of foods
Systematically, we discussed food groups as logically presented in Ayurveda. Beginning with the bio-assimilable grains, we reviewed why they work and how to create meals. We then discussed legumes, and how soups made with multiple ingredients affect the digestion and the doshas. 

​​DIN MC Quarter 8 Sep-Nov 2020
AH SÅ« chapter 6 anna-svarupa on the medicinal uses of foods
We continued with the medicinal uses of flesh of animals, vegetables, fruits, and medicinal plants used for their gunas and their ability to shift imbalances.

​​​DIN MC Quarter 9  Dec 2020-Feb 2021
AH Sū chapter 7 anna-rakṣā continues with foods by reminding us how to preserve foods, know when they are poisoned, and how to ensure foods are used as medicine through proper combinations.  It takes us into integration of foods with other pillars of life: sleep, relationships and balance.

​DIN MC Quarter 10     Feb2021-May 2021  
AH Sū. chapter 8 focuses on the study of medicinal dosing and prescribing foods, known as mātrāśitīyaṃ. How much should you eat of each ingredient, and what guidelines will help you keep a stable body?

​perfect for those who have studied ayurvedic Nutrition and want a guide for putting all the recommendations together into a cohesive plan for your patients!
DINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education  ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedic
DINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedicDINAcharya Ritucharya Ayurveda education ayurveda schools Ayurvedic education authentic Ayurveda American Ayurveda good Ayurveda schools certified Ayurveda schools ayurveda ayurvedic
ARCHIVES:  DIN Master Classes in Ayurveda Aṣṭāṅga-Hṛdayam śloka-by-śloka 
DIN MasterClasses

Quarter 19 
Jan 4, 2023 - March 8, 2023 
All sessions are  recorded.

Register here.

Start at the beginning! 
REGISTER for archived classes.
DIN 325: Rasa Shastra Master Classes ​
DIN Master Classes in Ayurveda 
explore the Aṣṭāṅga-Hṛdayam śloka-by-śloka  

Enrolled students receive access to video and audio recordings of each session as well as handouts and resources to enhance learning.

śloka-by-śloka, we explore each Sanskṛt sloka with its deeper meanings, discussing in English how doshas work and play, to build the critical foundation of understanding Ayurveda. We integrate a variety of disciplines, both Ayurvedic śastras, and modern sciences to relate the teachings with logical evidence and connection to health. 

Watch again and again and capture new jewels of wisdom.

Sample videos of Master Teachers can be viewed below.
You have finally discovered teachings that connect authentic Ayurveda with practical applications around the globe! 

The DINacharya Institute provides space for people yearning to learn basic concepts of Ayurveda correctly, to go deeper and access the wisdom underlying the original sources of teachings. 
The DINacharya Institute is thankful to the prequel of these classes, started in 2016 in an active collaboration between Chitra Eder and late Dr. Sanjay Pisharodi. The AH Study Group was an uncertified closed series of participants sharing discussion using his text. While valuable, the deeper meanings and fuller discussions were discontinued with the premature death of Dr. Sanjay. 

DINacharya was formally invited to take classes forward to expand both the depth and scope of teachings and the capacity for sharing the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda studying śloka-by-śloka with a wider audience. 

Founded in 2007, the DINacharya Institute now brings its large reservoir of resources with an open heart to people worldwide through the video classroom. 
STUDENTS of DIN MasterClasses are ayurvedic practitioners around the globe, doctors, vaidyas, students from Alaska to Argentina, Belgium to Bombay, Paris to Benaras, Cape Town to Kathmandu, Toronto to Syndey.

FACULTY  Master Teachers 2018-2023 have included Prof. Vd. P. Nambi Namboodiri, Vd. Paritosh Bhatt, Dr. Niveditha Srinivasamurthy, Vd. Pallavi Gupta, Professor Vd. Maddikera GopiKrishna, Vd. Satyajith Kadkol, Vd. Janardhana V Hebbar, Professor Vd. Chandra Bhushan Jha, Vd. Vinayak Dahiwal, Prasanti de Jager, Dr. MGV Rao, Prof. Ajayan Sadanandan, Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya, and others chosen for international teaching ability to culturally-diverse adult students, then vetted for competence, diversity, and content expertise.

COURSE DIRECTOR    Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH MD PhD (Ayu) AD
​Many students cannot travel to the wisemen in India. Many cannot find guidance into authentic sources of knowledge. Few can find good Ayurvedic physicians or do not yet know how to assess them. And worse, many teachers do not know how to teach! 

The idea for DIN Master Classes was born.

Come swim with us in the ocean of timeless wisdom that is Ayurveda!
Contact Us
Contact Us
 04 January - 08 March 2023
 DIN Master Classes in Ayurveda Quarter 19 

perfect for those who have studied ayurvedic basics and want a guide for understanding ayurvedic medicines more fully

Introduction to Sneha-Vidhi - The Majesty of Oils

DATE:  (10) Wednesdays

TIME: starts 9:30a EST --> ends ~11am EST (New York)   (= 8:00 - 9:30p IST (India), 6:30a-8a PST)
Find your local correct time:   https://www.timeanddate.com

LOCATION: The DINacharya online classroom via zoom software*
Access classroom via computer or smartphone with a strong internet connection.
*The link is sent after acceptance to the class.

FEE:   USD $108 per quarter          
Enroll now 

Enrolled students receive access to video and audio recordings of each session, a class folder packed with handouts, scientific papers, texts, spreadsheets, as well as resources to enhance learning.